Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Top Ten Tuesdays!

hosted by(http://brokeandbookish.blogspot.com/)

Top Ten Books That Make You Think About the world, people, live, etc. 

  1. One for the Murphy's by Lynda Mullaly Hunt- I'm reading this book now and it really makes me think of the kids who are raise in horrible homes and deserve better.
  2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins- I would never want to live in a world like that
  3. Wither by Lauren DeSefano- It would be horrible to live in a world like that, I can't imagine dying so young.
  4. Glimpse by Carol Lynch Williams- This book was so sad and it really makes you think about others
  5. Anne Franks Diary-  This book made my heart ache, knowing she died.
  6. Little Women Louisa May Alcott-  I love this book so much It always made me wonder about the characters
  7. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen- I always wonder what it would be like to live in this time era.

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