Thursday, July 19, 2018

Shop My Shelf (1)

I love to read, and I love collecting books, however, I have the bad habit of buying more books than I can really read.  Because of this, many of the books I own are sitting on my shelf unread.  To try and combat this I have decided to shop my stash, or in this case, my shelf. I am going to pick out three books either weekly or biweekly (whichever works in my schedule the best) and they are going to be placed at the top of my TBR.  Hopefully, this will motivate me to read the books that are currently collecting dust on my shelves! 

This week's picks are: 

Image result for The TellingImage result for queen of hearts bookImage result for shatter me

 Queen of Hearts                          Shatter Me                             The Telling 
Colleen Oakes                             Tahereh Mafi                   Alexandra Sirowy 

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