I have decided to revive the Shop my Shelf Series, that I abandoned shortly after starting. I have the awful habit of buying more books than I can read, and instead of reading the ones I do have I either buy more or rent books that I don't have from the library. I am going to try and combat this by A) placing myself in a book buying ban and B) picking at least three books from my shelf to read during the current month.
I started doing this during the Summer of 2018 but did not stick with it, this time around I have given myself some rules in the hopes that it will keep me interested and motivated in this challenge. The rules are as follows:
- I must pick at least three books for the month, and they will be at the top of my TBR list. I must give them at least 50 pages before I DNF.
- The books picked must be books I already own, this can be in any format - Ex: Ebook, Audiobook, Physical Copy
- I am on a three-month book buying ban. If I stick to my challenge, at the end of three months I can buy as many books as I have read in that three month time period. - Ex: If I read 15 books in the three month period, I am allowed to buy up to 15 books when the book buying ban as ended.
- I must post the books I have chosen from my bookshelf on or before the beginning of each month.
- At the end of the Month, I will post the status of each book. - Did I finish it or Did I DNF it, Etc.
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